JRMES 19 (2018)

JRMES 19 (2018) cover

J C N Coulston (ed), Cavalry in the Roman World. Proceedings of the 19th International Roman Military Equipment Conference held in St Andrews, Scotland, 6th–11th June 2016 (ISBN 978-1-910238-14-1 (paperback); 978-1-910238-16-5 (hardback))

Historical Studies

  • N. Sekunda ‘The first Roman and Corinthian cavalry’ 1–13
  • M. Petitjean ‘Cito parare victoriam, cito cedere: Roman cavalry tactics during the late Republic and the Principate’ 15–41
  • D. J. Breeze ‘Cohortes equitatae: a conundrum’ 43–4


  • M. C. Bishop ‘”Trapp’d in silver”: Roman cavalry equipment revisited’ 47–60
  • M. C. Bishop ‘Pimp my ride: early Imperial cavalry, saddle plates, and long-reining’ 61–73
  • B. Burandt ‘What was a cavalry-type of Roman greave in the first century AD?’ 75–9
  • S. Hoss ‘Evening the odds: apotropaic protection for horses’ 81–101
  • T. Ivleva ‘On bangles and horses. The use and abuse of Romano-British glass bangles on military and indigenous sites in Roman-period Britain’ 103–12
  • S. Ortisi ‘Eine Kopfniete mit dem Relief des Nero’ 113–17


  • S. Weiss-Konig ‘Spurensuche zur Reiterei im Legionslager von Nimwegen’ 121–35
  • M. Zandstra ‘Bits and pieces: 1st-century horse gear from Roman military sites on the Lower Rhine’ 137–47
  • A. Thiel ‘Virtus at the limes: a cavalry sports shield boss from Welzheim (Germany)’ 149–62
  • J. Istenic ‘Roman cavalry equipment and other militaria from the 2010 and 2011 excavations at Ptuj (Slovenia)’ 165–77
  • M. Vomer Gokovic ‘Traces of Roman cavalry in Poetovio’ 179–91


  • J. Conyard ‘Reconstructing Classical Greek cavalry’ 195–205
  • V. Gresak, M. Cernekova and S. Winterbottom ‘Reconstructing a Gallo-Roman riding saddle’ 207–15
  • M. Petitjean, M. C. Bishop and W. B. Griffiths ‘Experimenting with Roman Cavalry: the Hadrian’s Cavalry Turma! Project’ 217–26
  • M. Dolmans ‘Deurne revisited. The construction and ‘reconstruction’ of a Late Roman cavalry helmet’ 227–46


  • L. Allason-Jones ‘Roman cavalry tombstones in Britain’ 249–56
  • J. C. N. Coulston ‘The cavalry on Trajan’s Column: a study in composition, content and sculptural intent’ 257–92

JRMES 18 (2017)JRMES 20 (2019)