The Association for Roman Military Equipment Studies
JRMES 19 (2018)
J C N Coulston (ed), Cavalry in the Roman World. Proceedings of the 19th International Roman Military Equipment Conference held in St Andrews, Scotland, 6th–11th June 2016 (ISBN 978-1-910238-14-1 (paperback); 978-1-910238-16-5 (hardback))
Historical Studies
N. Sekunda ‘The first Roman and Corinthian cavalry’ 1–13
M. Petitjean ‘Cito parare victoriam, cito cedere: Roman cavalry tactics during the late Republic and the Principate’ 15–41
D. J. Breeze ‘Cohortes equitatae: a conundrum’ 43–4
M. C. Bishop ‘”Trapp’d in silver”: Roman cavalry equipment revisited’ 47–60
M. C. Bishop ‘Pimp my ride: early Imperial cavalry, saddle plates, and long-reining’ 61–73
B. Burandt ‘What was a cavalry-type of Roman greave in the first century AD?’ 75–9
S. Hoss ‘Evening the odds: apotropaic protection for horses’ 81–101
T. Ivleva ‘On bangles and horses. The use and abuse of Romano-British glass bangles on military and indigenous sites in Roman-period Britain’ 103–12
S. Ortisi ‘Eine Kopfniete mit dem Relief des Nero’ 113–17
S. Weiss-Konig ‘Spurensuche zur Reiterei im Legionslager von Nimwegen’ 121–35
M. Zandstra ‘Bits and pieces: 1st-century horse gear from Roman military sites on the Lower Rhine’ 137–47
A. Thiel ‘Virtus at the limes: a cavalry sports shield boss from Welzheim (Germany)’ 149–62
J. Istenic ‘Roman cavalry equipment and other militaria from the 2010 and 2011 excavations at Ptuj (Slovenia)’ 165–77
M. Vomer Gokovic ‘Traces of Roman cavalry in Poetovio’ 179–91
J. Conyard ‘Reconstructing Classical Greek cavalry’ 195–205
V. Gresak, M. Cernekova and S. Winterbottom ‘Reconstructing a Gallo-Roman riding saddle’ 207–15
M. Petitjean, M. C. Bishop and W. B. Griffiths ‘Experimenting with Roman Cavalry: the Hadrian’s Cavalry Turma! Project’ 217–26
M. Dolmans ‘Deurne revisited. The construction and ‘reconstruction’ of a Late Roman cavalry helmet’ 227–46
L. Allason-Jones ‘Roman cavalry tombstones in Britain’ 249–56
J. C. N. Coulston ‘The cavalry on Trajan’s Column: a study in composition, content and sculptural intent’ 257–92