JRMES 16 cover
László Kocsis (ed.), The Enemies of Rome. Proceedings of the 15th International Roman Military Equipment Conference, Budapest 2005 (ISBN 978-1-910238-05-9)
Major Themes I
- Jon Coulston ‘The Enemies of Rome’ 17–29
- Katarzina Czarnecka and Bartosz Kontny ‘Simply ornament or something more? Marks of undetermined function found on barbarian lance- and spearheads’ 31–56
- Igor Gavritukhin ‘Late Roman Military Style in the East of the Forest and Forest-Steppe Zone of Europe’ 57–67
- Thomas Grane ‘South Scandinavian foederati and auxiliarii?’ 69–80
- Emilio Illarregui ‘Cantabrian weapons’ 81–93
- Eszter Istvánovits and Valéria Kulcsár ‘Sarmatian swords with ring-shaped pommels in the Carpathian Basin’ 95–105
- Bartosz Kontny ‘The war as seen by an archaeologist. Reconstruction of barbarian weapons and fighting techniques in the Roman Period based on the analysis of graves containing weapons. The case of the Przeworsk Culture’ 107–45
- Alexander Nefedkin ‘Weaponry of the Goths of the mid-3rd to the 7th century AD’ 147–55
- Yurij Zaytsev and Valentina Mordvintseva ‘The elite military necropolis in Scythian Neapolis (I–II century AD)’ 157–68
Major Themes II
- Iona Cataniciu ‘Sagittarii on the South-East Frontier of Dacia’ 171–9
- Eckhard Deshler-Erb ‘Militaria der Spätlatènezeit und der frühen Kaiserzeit aus Basel’ 181–9
- Peter Dyczek ‘Segmental Armour from the Fortress of the First Italic Legion in Novae’ 191–9
- Nicolae Gudea ‘Sagittarii Porolissenses und ihre Kampfwaffen. I’ 201–12
- Norbert Hanel and Frank Willer ‘Untersuchungen zur Helmmaske von Kalkriese’ 213–17
- Achim Rost ‘Conditions for the preservation of Roman military equipment on battlefields – the example of Kalkriese’ 219–24
- Susanne Wilbers-Rost ‘Special features with Roman military equipment in Kalkriese’ 225–36
- Michael J. Klein ‘Roman Decorated Daggers and Figural Sword Fittings from Mainz-Mogontiacum (Germania Superior)’ 237–48
- László Kocsis ‘New data on the question of morphology and dating of the Intercisa III type Helmets’ 249–72
- Péter Kovács ‘Militaria from Anamatia’ 273–8
- Zsolt Mráv ‘Beschläge eines Flavierzeitlichen Schurzcingulums aus Baláca (Komitat Veszprém, Ungarn)’ 279–94
- Ivan Radman-Livaja ‘Roman belt-fittings from Burgenae’ 295–308
- Mirjana Sanader, Tomislav Šeparović, and Domagoj Tončinić ‘Das Projekt Tilurium’ 309–15
- Hans-Joachim Schalles ‘A well-preserved 1st-Century torsion-weapon found at Xanten’ 317–20
- Krisztina Szirmai ‘Early Depictions of Military Equipment in Aquincum’ 321–31
The Historical Context
- Dóra Gáspár ‘Oath and Punishment with the Roman Army (Dasius-acta)’ 335–9
- Alexei Kozlenko ‘Barbarian Throwing Clubs and the origins of Roman Plumbatae’ 341–3
The Experimental Context
- Florian Himmler ‘Testing the “Ramshaw” Boot – Experimental Calceology on the March’ 347–57
- Marquita Volken ‘Making the Ramshaw Boot, an exercise in experimental archaeology’ 359–66