JRMES 14/15 (2003/4)

JRMES 14/15 cover

JRMES 14/15 cover

  • Mike Burns ‘Pompeii under siege: a missile assemblage from the Social War’ 1–9
  • David Sim ‘Making a copy of a Roman caltrop’ 11–13
  • M. C. Bishop ‘Inevitable corollaries? Lorica segmentata from Eining and Zugmantel’ 15–28
  • Ivan Radman Livaja ‘Gladii from the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb’ 29–39
  • D. Sim and J. Kaminski ‘Lorica squamata: the production and testing of scale armour from the Carlisle Hoard’ 41–8
  • Joaquín Aurrecoechea ‘New perspectives on the evolution and chronology of Roman segmental armour (lorica segmentata and manica), based on Hispanic finds’ 49–55
  • Adam J. Clift, Gary R. Cutler and W. Wayne Neel ‘Pretensioning applied to ancient torsion powered ballistae’ 57–60
  • L. Arik Greenberg, PhD ‘Reconstructing the Newstead lorica segmentata… again’ 61–75
  • Mark Hebblewhite ‘The signa militaria and the imperial imagines as symbols of power: AD 235–395′ 77–88

JRMES 12/13 (2001/2)JRMES 16 (2008)