- David Marchant ‘Roman weapons in Great Britain, a case study: spearheads, problems in dating and typology’ 1–6
- M. Dawson ‘Roman military equipment on civil sites in Roman Dacia’ 7–15
- Karen Ramsey ‘Dixon Dolphin scabbard runners’ 17–25
- Jürgen Oldenstein ‘Two Roman helmets from Eich, Alzey-Worms district’ 27–37
- A. C. H. Olivier, C. Howard-Davis, & H. Quartermaine ‘Ein Bruchstück eines neuen großartigen Helms aus einem Tempel im vicus Papcastle’ 39–42
- Wolfgang Meighorner-Schardt ‘Zur Rekonstruktion eines römischen Bockkranes’ 43–60
- Peter Connolly ‘The saddle horns from Newstead’ 61–6
- Ann Hyland ‘The action of the Newstead cavalry bit’ 67–72
- E. Rabeisen ‘La production d’équipement de cavalerie au 1er s. après J.-C. à Alesia (Alise-Sainte-Reine, Côte-d’Or, France)’ 73–98
- A. M. Gerhartl-Witteveen & A. V. M. Hubrecht ‘Survey of swords and daggers in the Provincials Museum G.M. Kam, Nijmegen’ 99–107
- C. van Driel-Murray ‘New light on old tents’ 109–37
- J. C. N. Coulston ‘Later Roman armour, 3rd–6th centuries A.D.’ 139–60
- M. C. Bishop ‘Legio V Alaudae and the crested lark’ 161–4
⇒ JRMES 2 (1991)