Part 1 [PDF]
- Editorial [1]
- 7th ROMEC, Magdalensburg M.C. Bishop [2]
- The next ROMEC [2]
- A new journal [2-3]
- Any Republican equipment? [3]
- Roman cavalry march in Britain cancelled Dan Peterson [3-4]
- Bibliography of Roman military equipment since 1980 [4-5]
- Indicium [5]
- Reconstruction group update Dan Peterson [5-7]
- Significant Roman military finds from flea markets in Germany Dan Peterson [7-10]
- A decorated dagger scabbard from Corbridge, Northumberland M.C. Bishop [11]
- Lorica ‘segmentata’? Michael Simkins [11]
- What is it? [12]
- Work in progress [12]
- Roman scale armour J.B. Clemetson [12]
- Subscriptions; notes for contributors; list of subscribers; editorial board contact addresses [12-15]
Part 2 [PDF]
- Editorial [17]
- The face of battle [18]
- Special offer subscriptions [18]
- Some new equipment from Germany [18]
- The Roman Finds Group [19]
- Slides and posters [19]
- Limesritt 90: continuing experiments with the Roman saddle Dan Peterson [19-21]
- Bibliography of Roman military equipment since 1980 [21]
- Down to earth: a note on bolt-heads and rake-prongs W.J.H. Willems [22-3]
- The manica lamminata Michael Simkins [23-6]
- Military equipment from Romano-British caves Martin J. Dearne [26-8]
- Two cavalry fittings from Castleford, West Yorkshire M.C. Bishop [28-31]
- A crest-box support and niello-inlaid belt-plate from Italy Dan Peterson [31-2]
- Subscriptions; notes for contributors; list of subscribers; editorial board contact addresses [32-4]