- Custos armorum [1]
- Vindonissa (Windisch AG – Switzerland): a gladius with a relief decorated sheath and belt pieces from the legionary camp E. Deschler-Erb [2-5]
- Militaria de Gaule Méridionale, 7. Mèze (Hérault) et environs M. Feugère & Chr. Pellecuer [5-9]
- Report on two sections of lorica segmentata found at Vindolanda David Sim [9-10]
- The development of ‘lorica segmentata‘: recent advances and old work re-assessed M.C. Bishop [10-14]
- Bibliography of Roman military equipment since 1980 [14-15]
- Papers (Part 16) [14-15]
- Reports (Part 14) [15]
- List of subscribers [15]
- Subscriptions [16]
- Notes for contributors [17]
- Editorial board contact addresses [18]